Monday, January 14, 2008

X-perience nothing else like this

Some of ya may know all about the now infamous "Wipe Still Required" letterbox...
it truly has become rather well known...
and for those who may not know the entire hilarious history...
you can read the pranks and the teasing and the stories on the NC board or here is a brief summary.

Me and Mojo planted the box after consent from Mama Fox of The Little Foxes. It was simply a small letterbox placed within the confines of an old, original and historic WPA outhouse. The rules, placed for fun stated that you had to go in and have a seat to get this letterbox. *laughing* I am sure more than one person broke those rules but one person in particular *hint* *nudge.MamaWolf.nudge* sent her cubs in to get it. *more laughs* but... she admits and says that's why she has do her dirty work. The first original one was placed inside a toilet paper roll. It came up missing and was replaced. All of us have had tremendous fun poking back and forth at each other over rules, images, outhouses etc. Finally we... as in everyone else other than mama Wolf ...oh excuse me...Darth Wolf... has decided it was time to make the letterbox so that it must be done "on site" and not taken out of the outhouse...and of course to get the Wolf to even consider darking the door of the would take a completely new image and a creation from "X" or as we all know them... "X boxes"

so here we are...
and lookey who is on the one-holer...
it's X during installation of the new box on 12/21/07

what a hoot... this box has been... more fun than I ever imagined & now it's even better. Thanks X... you are the greatest
*hugs & smooches from dixie, mojo and foxes*

well now...
here we go...
an all new all new X-perience.
you will not want to miss this one...
X-perience Wipe Required
here wolfey, wolfey, wolfey
we all love ya :-)

1 comment:

DIXIE said...

might I add that I am quite jealous of The Little Foxes for still having a working outhouse... and I am forever grateful to them for letting us all have so much fun with it :)

now... that I know this family...
I can never imagine my life without them. I love y'all so much!