Wednesday, January 16, 2008

to catch a gosox

oh my goodness...
how should I start...
and just how much should I tell?

the beginning?
well, it was already known that GoSox had no "exchanges" and hadn't been to a letterbox gathering. He, himself, says he's just an ole curmudgeon... but after the subject came back in to new light... I asked a question that was followed with this answer that got the interest sparked a bit. Yep... it was a topic of interest and one to have fun with. Mama Wolf seemed pretty determined to call him out into our world of stamping frenzies. gosox played along... teasing us with cooties and doing it more than once... but also making it plain that the only way to catch him was to catch him at a box.

all pretty innocent and fun... no biggy!
The day for the Mountain Mystery & Legends Gathering approached. Everyone had fun... no one put much thought into folks who hadn't signed up for the event except to say how we miss certain Wolves and such. It wasn't mentioned or a big deal that we still wouldn't get an exchange with GoSox.
well, that is until someone went and upped the stakes...
or shall we say... added a whole new dimension of determination.
Oh boy... he had just made it interesting ;)
What lengths am I willing to go to when the aspect of
sheer determination is involved? That was for me to know and GoSox to find out ;-)

to be continued...

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