Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mtn Mystery Gathering was a Hoot

The Gathering is over and done...
it seemed to fly by me.
Friday Night was a small liitle get together to celebrate
Carolina Drama Queen's birthday.
Some folks did some exchanges that night...
I suspect it was at the urging of Wolf mama though.
She wanted to get those exchanges ASAP so she could leave
before anyone else Saturday during the event.
She is a mad woman (and I mean that with all fondness)
when it comes to getting as many boxes and hiking as
far as possible in the amount of time allowed. :)
She and MountainScorpia must have made a great duo.
They found almost EVERYTHING!

Of course...
nothing went smoothly for me Saturday morning and
instead of arriving 30 minutes early...
I was 30 minutes late *rolls eyes at self*
It might have helped if I hadn't been up till 4am.
I was just totally pumped. I couldn't have slept if I had been drugged.

It was so fun meeting all the folks I had talked with on the AQ boards...but dang...I was overwhelmed. I missed half the exchanges and even more personal travelers. I had things i meant to give away but there they were still in my box when i returned home.
I did give away 2 gorgeous gift boxes full of goodies...
so many, many, many thanks to everyone that sent me goodies for those.

The evening was cold up on "the Knob" but the sunrise was incredible.
I didn't get the clues handed out when i should have to the boxes up there so it was a bit difficult to read the whole story in the dark. It was a night hunt but ...let's just say i didn't think about all aspects. LOL I have learned my lesson on that one. For one...Don't wait on one person and make everyone else suffer in darkness. Sorry guys!

That night back at the campground...
well...let's just say the rule about quiet time being at 10 pm... uh...kinda got broke that night
*points toward mama Wolf, Cam and MoJo*
my hysterical laughter didn't help add to the noise level
*shakes head*

There is no way i can thank everyone enough...
no way I can ever forget some of the friends and smiles...
It was wonderful...
so...big fat Dixie hugs to all

I had a Blast!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th and I have
New letterboxes planted just for you

Mountain Mystery Gathering attendees!!
Haunted Tunnels and ugly old witches await

Tomorrow is the big day...
but I'll see some of Y'all tonight
*excitement builds*